DREG is a clever acronym for "Domestic Recording & Entertainment Group", which is a clever way of saying "It's a record label, but could be anything else related to entertainment that we feel like delving into." Back in 1995 or so, I had a collection of songs that I wanted to release, and also to test the viability of the inter-web as a new means of mass-marketing. DREG was created as an indie record label, to give my release some credibility and marketing muscle. With some investing by friends and collaborators, DREG released Facade's "fade" to inter-stellar rave reviews in 1996. And by "rave," I mean "mediocre."
It wasn't long before I realized that one release does not make a record label, and that additional artists/releases would be needed to help cross-promote my own endeavors. DREG produced and released a compilation of other progressive-rock artists found on the web, called "DREGs of the Internet." This was followed by a few other compilations, submitting songs to other company's compilations, as well as adding some other indie bands to the roster and marketing their self-produced CDs. By 1998, DREG had about a dozen prog-related releases available.
The net effect of all of this was modest sales. It reached the point where to grow DREG, I would need to invest more time and money. I quickly realized that the time I had been puting into DREG was taking away from precious time I needed to do the thing that I originally set out to do - create new music. So by 2000, DREG was shelved; it existed by name only, the remaining inventory was sold off, and my time was once again returned to music. This web-site (and a few business cards) is pretty much all that remains of DREG. But Facade lives on...